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Where and How to Find Saved Items on My Phone: Android and iPhone Platform

When it comes to finding downloaded and saved files, sometimes it takes a whole lot of time. Even if you are a regular user of phones or even if you are quite a tech-savvy person, it confuses you when you don’t find the recently downloaded or saved files. It happened to me several times which made me so frustrated when I couldn’t find the saved items on my phone.  

If you download something on your PC or laptop, you will easily locate it as I also happen to find the same effortlessly. Finding downloaded or saved files on PCs and laptops is quite easy; it does not require you to have a master of its technical aspect. However, when I try to save items on my phone, I pay careful attention, so you should as well.

Hence, we are going to discuss how you will locate your downloaded and saved files on your phones—Android and iPhone. I will discuss this phone etiquette in reference to both Android and iPhone devices. You will come to know how to try to locate the files from the perspective of the way I uncover the saved items on my iPhone as well as Android.

A General Overview of File Location

A General Overview of File Location

Well, the manufacturers of any particular brand tend to make the internal environment and structure to be different from other brands, i.e. Android and iPhone. The reason for this difference is obviously the requirement of the phone in order to fulfill the customer’s user experience. That is the reason why the iPhone user experience is of high quality and top-notch; the more technical aspect it has, the better the user experience it gives. And during my initial moment upon having it, I faced a lot of issues locating the saved items on my iPhone though later on I managed to cope with technicalities without any effort.

However, as the Android environment is slightly easy to manage, many people would find it rather comfortable to use. Also, Android OS presents easier maneuverability or flexibility than the iPhone. It did not take much time for me to become used to the Android environment. So, I can find my saved items on my phone without any effort even if I buy a new Android phone now.

Finding the Saved Items on My Phone: Android and iPhone

Finding the Saved Items on My Phone: Android and iPhone

Finding recently download and save documents or files is not a tough job. It is actually our own illusionary self that makes us confused because our mind is not used to the technical aspect of the phone. But once we give our mind a practical loop of a particular phone environment–OS, it starts to happen automatically. Thus, slowly and gradually we happen to act out of our instinct because our subconscious mind controls the conscious mind. Hence even if I save items on my phone randomly, I would find them without any mental pressure and confusion.

But how can you make phone etiquette at a subconscious level? In order to understand this, you will need to check out how I manage it for myself either the Android file manager and iPhone or the ones I receive from Safelink free phone—federal programs. 

Where to find Files on Android Phones (Any Browser Version)

Where to find Files on Android Phones (Any Browser Version)?

In fact, it was very confusing to me when I was trying to locate the files downloaded from any browser during my initial days. Similarly, if you are having a hard time locating files, you can follow the given below steps to uncover the saved items on your Android Phone:

  • Firstly, launch the File Manager application.
  • Next, go to the internal storage or the phone storage on your phone/device.
  • Move downward until the Download folder. Search the long list of files.
  • Now try to find your saved files on your Android.

In case you do not see the file, you need to check the download folder pinned to the browser. This is the process I use to locate the saved items on my phone from any browser such as Edge. If you are a customer of free X mobile provided under federal programs, you can follow the same procedure.

How to Find My Saved Items on My Phone from Chrome Browser(Android)?

As Chrome browser is a general web application usually pre-installed on most Android phones, this process will be of utmost help to you.  Hence, let’s check how you can find the recently saved files. I will break down the steps similar to the ways I employ to save items on my phone and uncover the same with my Android phone using Chrome browser for download.

  • To begin with, have your Chrome browser launched.
  • Look for three dots in the top right corner of your Chrome browser.
  • Then press on these three dots.
  • Move a bit downward and tap on the Downloads.
  • Next, open the Downloads window.
  • You will see the “gear” icon on the top right of your screen.
  • And at this place, you will be able to see the Download section and location. 
  • Hit on the option asking “where to save files”.

An important point in reference to this is that you can change the location of downloads from Chrome to internal memory or SD card just like I keep the saved items on my phone like on the former I just mentioned.

Where to Locate Saved Links Phone (Android-Based Browser)?

Where to Locate Saved Links Phone (Android-Based Browser)?

If you don’t want to waste much of your time downloading or saving the files on your Android because it is Chrome browser specific, this step will be greatly helpful to you. You can directly use the link on your phone without having to cost much of your data. This is another very efficient method I like because once I save the folder or file, I can find it very handy to locate the saved items on my phone.

Also, this is quite useful for those youngsters, middle-aged and senior people who might have received the federal program’s free phones for seniors; they don’t have to learn many technical things except for bookmarking.

  • First of all, launch the Chrome browser.
  • On the top right corner of your screen, click on the 3 dot symbols/icon.
  • Find the Bookmark and hit on it.
  • This is where you see your saved items on Android phone.  
  • In order to open the link and see the file, click/tap on the bookmark.

How and Where to Find Saved Items on My Phone(iOS Version)?

So far we discussed the various steps and procedures for the phones of the Android operating system because large chunks of the population use it worldwide. Hence, after covering the various procedures of the Android version, we will now talk about the steps and methods I use to employ to find the saved items on my iPhone which you can as well use for yourself.

If you are a PC or laptop user, it would be pretty easy to locate the folder, especially on account of federal programs of free laptop for college students. This has enabled them to be more comfortable with laptops available almost in every household nowadays. But, locating the same folder might appear slightly tricky on iPhone or iOS environments. Therefore, the following steps that I also use to save items on my phone will be pretty much helpful to you and eliminate your confusion.

Step to Locate Saved Items on My iPhone(Browser Version)

Now, before we start the discussion on the steps and procedure on file location, you should know that files that you download straightly go to the Download folder until and unless you change the default storage location on your own. Hence, the following steps are noteworthy insofar as locating the saved items on my phone matters.

  • In the first place, look for and select “Files Tab”.
  • After that, select the tab “Browser” at the bottom section.
  • Now, hit on “on My iPhone”.
  • You will see the Download folder on the next screen.
  • And now, tap on this Download folder and search your files.

This is how I use to find and locate the recently downloaded and saved items on my iPhone; you can also follow the same steps.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Where are my saved items on my iPhone?

Let’s understand this question from my experience. When I tried to find my saved items on my phone, I usually used to go Files tab, then to My iPhone, and finally to the Download folder screen. You can follow this step. However, if you are looking for photos, you can look for the Photos icon and Music for Music icon from where you can retrieve your media files.

Q2. How do I get to my saved items?

Depending on the platforms or OS you are into, the steps to find or locate the files might slightly change; sometimes, locating the saved items on Android and iPhone is OS-specific. However, when you are used to it, you will hardly make the distinction.
In order to find the saved items on my phone, I usually try to find the download folder or File Manager. Once I locate the download folder, I direct it where to save it from the “gear” icon. 

Q3. How to find the Media folder on an Android phone?

In order to find the saved items on my phone, I usually go to the download folder or media folder/gallery. As for the media file, it directly gets the media items saved in the media folder/gallery. So, you can also follow these tips.


As you can see how easy it is to manage your files on both the environments—Android and iOS. You can even save the media files from iTunes from the settings and Apple Music app. As said above, initially it was quite frustrating for me not to be able to find the files or the recently saved items on my phone. But over time it became part of my subconscious mind and I now don’t have to have to think how and where to find the downloaded and save files. 

Although the steps mentioned above seem quite easy, it is practically tricky when you do not pay attention to how to keep these steps in mind. Keeping all these steps in my mind helped me to save items on my phone effortlessly and consequently retrieve the same. If you are a user of Illinois free government phone and Sky Devices or any other devices, you can follow the above-mentioned steps and make your life fun, confusion-free and efficient.

Author Profile

Elizabeth Jones
Elizabeth Jones is one of our editorial team’s leading authors on credit card offers, services & more. With over two decades of experience in the consumer credit industry and as a nationally recognized credit expert, Elizabeth provides in-depth analysis of both traditional & alternative forms of credit. Elizabeth regularly appears on many major media outlets including NBC Nightly News, Fox Business Network, CNBC & Yahoo! Finance. She is also a frequent contributor to Forbes Magazine. As a highly appreciated author for our exclusive Editorial Team, Elizabeth strives to provide readers with a trustworthy advice on how to manage their credit accounts while staying informed on the latest offers in the marketplace.

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