CFI Blog

Microfinance Institutions to Improve the Savings in Latin America

Microfinance Institutions

For the past few years, experts and economists have been discussing various methods to make financial inclusion more achievable for all groups of society. Hence, they introduce microfinance to include the low income or unemployed groups in the financial growth. In this movement, microcredit is the focused term to improve the economical condition of the … Read more

Upgrade the Existing Financial Inclusion

upgrade financial inclusion

Re-imagining Financial Inclusion is important for the empowerment of low-income communities, especially women. The existing financial services are not serving much to the people who are at the base of the economical pyramid. So how would we do that and is it even possible to redesign the existing system? This article will cover everything.  The … Read more

Innovative Ways for Responsible Digital Financial Services

Responsible Digital Financial Services

With the increasing use of mobile money or digital finance, services have their own merits and demerits. We all know about the various advantages of digital transactions and some of us have also experienced the dark side of it. Alongside the comfort, we should be also concerned about the risk of online transactions as responsible … Read more