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Free Laptop from Amazon: Unconventional Method Revealed

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to score a free laptop from Amazon? In this article, we’ll unveil a unique method that may just make it happen. Before diving into this unconventional approach, we must emphasize the importance of ethical conduct and adhering to Amazon’s policies. We do not endorse any illegal activities, but we will share an intriguing experience that occurred due to unforeseen circumstances.

The Unusual Story

The Unusual Story

A while back, a user found themselves in a peculiar situation when their father’s credit card was stolen. This unfortunate incident led to unauthorized charges and the subsequent cancellation of the card. Little did they know that this situation would inadvertently lead to receiving a laptop from Amazon at no cost.

The Coincidence: Amazon Account and Stolen Card

The credit card that was stolen happened to be linked to an Amazon account. Before realizing the card’s unauthorized use, the user had placed an order for a $250 laptop on Amazon. Surprisingly, the laptop arrived much sooner than expected, in just two days.

The Mystery Unfolds

The Mystery Unfolds

As the user went to check the status of their order on Amazon, they stumbled upon a peculiar situation. Amazon’s system did not recognize the laptop purchase, indicating that it had not been shipped. However, the laptop was already in their possession.

The Key to This Unusual Scenario

So, how did this happen? Here’s the sequence of events:

  • Expired Card: The stolen card was both expired and canceled.
  • Prior Purchase: The user had previously made a legitimate purchase on Amazon using the same card.
  • Adding to Cart: They added the laptop to their cart, along with another item they didn’t intend to purchase.
  • Proceeding to Checkout: Accidentally, they proceeded to checkout but did not complete the purchase intentionally.
  • Expired Card Processing: Amazon’s system attempted to charge the expired card, which unsurprisingly failed.
  • Shipping Error: Despite the payment error, Amazon shipped the laptop.

The Experiment: Can It Be Replicated?

The Experiment: Can It Be Replicated?

The user believes that this occurrence might not be unique and could potentially be replicated with other items. Here’s a simplified guide for those who might want to experiment:

  • Use an Expired Card: Start with a card that is both expired and canceled.
  • Previous Purchase: Make sure you’ve made a legitimate purchase on Amazon using the same card in the past.
  • Add to Cart: Add the item you want (perhaps something of lower value) to your cart.
  • Proceed to Checkout: Accidentally proceed to checkout but do not complete the purchase intentionally.
  • Expired Card Processing: Let Amazon’s system attempt to charge the expired card (which should fail).
  • Wait for Shipment: Observe if the item gets shipped to you, even though Amazon’s system does not recognize the purchase.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical Considerations

We want to emphasize that this method is not a recommended or endorsed way to acquire products for free. It’s essential to maintain ethical behavior and adhere to Amazon’s policies. The user stumbled upon this situation due to unique circumstances, and attempting to replicate it may not yield the same results.


While this unexpected scenario led to a free laptop for one individual, it’s not a guaranteed method and may have ethical implications. We encourage you to explore legitimate ways to obtain items from Amazon, such as through promotions, giveaways, or legitimate purchases.

If you found this story intriguing, please remember to use this information responsibly and in accordance with Amazon’s terms and conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it really possible to get a free laptop from Amazon using this method?

This method, as described, is an unusual scenario that occurred due to specific circumstances. While it worked for one individual, it is not a guaranteed way to obtain free products from Amazon. It’s important to maintain ethical behavior and adhere to Amazon’s policies.

What are the ethical considerations when attempting to replicate this method?

Ethical considerations are crucial. Attempting to exploit this method intentionally or engaging in fraudulent activity is against the law and Amazon’s policies. It’s essential to respect the rules and guidelines of online marketplaces.

Are there legitimate ways to receive free or discounted items on Amazon?

Yes, Amazon offers various legitimate ways to receive free or discounted items, such as participating in promotions, using coupon codes, and engaging with Amazon’s review program. Always make sure to follow Amazon’s guidelines when seeking such opportunities.

What should I do if my credit card is stolen and used for unauthorized purchases on Amazon?

If your credit card is stolen and used without your authorization, it’s crucial to report the incident to your credit card provider and Amazon immediately. They can take the necessary steps to address the issue, secure your account, and potentially reverse any unauthorized charges.

Is it safe to share personal stories and experiences like this online?

Sharing personal stories and experiences online can be valuable for others, but it’s essential to exercise caution and consider the potential consequences. Be mindful of privacy concerns, ethical considerations, and the impact your story may have on others. Always prioritize responsible online behavior.

Author Profile

John Davis
John Davis is a nationally recognized expert on credit reporting, credit scoring, and identity theft. He has written four books about his expertise in the field and has been featured extensively in numerous media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, CNN, CBS News, CNBC, Fox Business, and many more. With over 20 years of experience helping consumers understand their credit and identity protection rights, John is passionate about empowering people to take control of their finances. He works with financial institutions to develop consumer-friendly policies that promote financial literacy and responsible borrowing habits.

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