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Where Can I Get Dental Implant Grants? (All Information Available)

Dental treatment can be really costly, especially if it is a dental implant. Dental implants are an effective solution for replacing missing teeth. And you are in an even bigger problem if you do not have money for dental implants. Then you are stuck with 2 problems, first, the toothache, second, you do not have money for the treatment. But do you know that now you can get money from the government for dental implants? Yes, you heard it right. 

The U.S. government provides dental implant grants for low-income people. In this article, we will tell you about the government organizations that provide grants for dental implants. Along with this, we will also tell you how to get free government grants for dental implants and their qualifications. In the end, we will also tell you about some of the alternative options that you can go for, if you do not qualify for government grants. So without any further ado, let’s get started. 

What Are Dental Implant Grants? 

What Are Dental Implant Grants?

Dental implant grants are financial assistance programs that provide funding or subsidies to individuals who require dental implant treatment but may not have the financial means to cover the full cost. These grants are typically offered by government and nonprofit organizations, foundations, or dental implant manufacturers as a way to support individuals who need dental implants.

The main aim of the dental implant grant is to help individuals restore their oral health and functionality by covering a part or all of the expenses associated with dental implant procedures. The grants aim to make this treatment more accessible to those who may not be able to afford it otherwise.

However, these implant grants are not for everyone and typically have specific eligibility criteria. These criteria may include factors such as financial need, oral health condition, age, and residency. Each grant program has its own requirements and application process.

If you want to get the dental implant grant then you can look for the available grant programs in your area. For this, you can reach out to local dental societies, nonprofit organizations, or dental implant manufacturers to inquire about any available opportunities. Along with this, discussing your situation with a dentist or oral surgeon may provide you with insight into local resources or potential financial assistance options.

Dental Implant Grants from the Government

Dental Implant Grants from the Government

Now that you know what grants for dental implants are, in this section, we will discuss the government dental implant grants. The government keeps coming up with various programs and schemes to help low-income people like providing free phones for seniors, providing medical help, etc. Our list includes some of the major free government grants for dental implants. However, these programs might not be available in all states, so before applying for the grant, make sure that you check its availability in your area. 

1. Dental Preventive Clinical Support Program

If you are looking for dental implant grants for low-income then Dental Preventive Clinical Support Program. This program has been initiated by IHS to help people with their oral health. Under this program, you can get free dental health grants for various dental treatments like root canal treatment, toothache, dental implant, teeth capping, etc. However, you will only qualify for this dental implant grant, if you meet all the qualifications of the Dental Preventive Clinical Support Program. 

2. Medicaid


As the name suggests, Medicaid is a foundation that provides medical aid to people. The main aim of Medicaid is to help low-income people with their medical needs like surgery, medical attention, medicines, organ transplant, etc. While Medicaid might not provide you with complete grants for your treatment or surgery, it can still help you by reimbursing some portion of your medical bill. 

If you are wondering, “Where can I find the dental implant grants near me?”, then you can move to Medicaid. They have offices around all the cities and states of the U.S.A. Medicaid can be a big relief for people who are shorting a small amount of money for their implants. 

3. The ADA Foundation

The next foundation for the free dental implant grant on the list is the ADA Foundation. The ADA Foundation works in partnership with 8 other non-profit foundations and works towards the improvement of the oral health of low-income people. ADA (American Dental Association) provides funds of $12,000 to each of its partner organizations and later these funds are granted to people who need money for their dental implants. 

The partner non-profit organizations of the American Dental Association are spread all over different states of America so that everyone in need can have access to these government grants for dental implants

4. Healthier Smiles Grant Program

In case you are looking for government grants for dental implants, then Healthier Smiles Grant Program is the ideal stop for you. They provide grants ranging from $2,500 to $5,000 for dental treatment of low-income people. The Healthier Smiles Grant Program has been started by the Wrigley Company Foundation and till now they have helped thousands of people. 

5. The Academy of General Dentistry

Academy of General Dentistry

The Academy of General Dentistry provides dental implant grants for low-income people. It is basically a non-profit organization that works towards the betterment of the dental health of society. Along with providing grants for dental implants, they also educate people by spreading awareness about the importance of dental health and how people can maintain their dental health.  

Moreover, the Academy of General Dentistry provides low-income people with grants for various kinds of dental treatments like dental implants, dental caps, surgeries, root canal treatment, dentures, etc. So if you need funds for any kind of dental income, you can go to the Academy of General Dentistry. 

6. DentaQuest Community Response Fund

DentaQuest Community Response Fund works to improve the quality of low-income people’s lives by providing them with all kinds of necessities like medical help, education grants, food, shelter, etc. But their main aim is to provide underprivileged people with grants so that they can take proper dental treatment. 

When you go to DentaQuest Community Response Fund for help, depending on your annual income, they will either provide you with grants covering all the cost of your dental treatment or some portion of your treatment. 

7. The Patterson Foundation

The next foundation for free dental implant grants on our list is the Patterson Foundation. It is one of a kind foundation that works with the help of volunteers who look up the applications of applicants who are looking for dental implant grants and even take their interviews to understand their needs if needed. 

This program is available for people of all ages and the application process is also extremely easy which makes it easily accessible for people. However, if you want to receive the funds fast then this foundation might not be a good option for you because the Patterson Foundation takes over 6 months to approve your government grants for dental implants application. 

8. Veterans Dental Care Grants

Veterans Dental Care Grants is a program started by the Dental Lifeline Network where they provide free dental treatment to old age people. This program is mainly to benefit army veterans so that can easily get a dental implant grant from this program, but it is not limited to army veterans only. They provide these grants to old age, disabled, and low-income people as well. 

9. Dentistry From Heart

Dentistry From Heart

Dentistry From Heart is a charitable organization that helps low-income people with their dental care needs. This organization basically collects donations from low-income people and then uses that donated money to provide grants for dental implants. They cover all the costs of the dental implant. 

However, this organization only works in Florida, so not everyone might be able to get free dental implant grants from them. But they come with very easy qualifications, so if you are from Florida, you can definitely move to Dentistry from Heart for some help with your dental implants. 

10. Smile Changes Lives

Smile Changes Lives Foundation truly believes that everyone deserves a beautiful and healthy smile. It is a non-profit organization that works for the betterment of people. They work with over 800 dentists around the U.S.A. and provide grants to over 12,000 people everywhere for their dental implants. 

The best part is, their qualification criteria are pretty easy to meet and they provide grants for everyone irrespective of their age. However, the main focus of this organization is children. They especially provide funds for the dental treatment of children so that they can lead a better life ahead. 

Eligibility for Dental Implants

Although there are various government grants for dental implants, you can only qualify for them, if you meet their qualification criteria. Moreover, every organization and foundation has a different set of qualifications that you need to fulfill, to qualify for the grant. But here are some of the common qualifications for free government grants for dental implants:

  1. You must be a citizen of the U.S.A.
  2. You must have a low annual income. 
  3. You must be residing in the U.S.A. 
  4. You must have proof of low income. 
  5. You must be taking any of the benefit programs by the U.S. Federal government. 

These are some of the most common requirements of foundations and organizations that provide grants for dental implants. Other qualifications may depend on the specific organization that you are applying for. 

How to Apply for Dental Implant Grants? (Step-by-Step Process) 

How to Apply for Dental Implant Grants? (Step by Step Process) 

Now it is time to see how you can apply for grants for dental implants. Here is the step-by-step process you can follow to apply for a dental implant grant:

1. Research Grant Opportunities

Start by researching charitable organizations, foundations, dental schools, dental clinics, and local dental societies that may offer free dental implant grants or financial assistance programs. Look for programs that specifically mention dental implants or oral health care.

2. Check Eligibility Criteria

Review the eligibility criteria for each grant program to determine if you meet their requirements. Some programs may focus on specific dental conditions, income levels, age groups, or geographic locations. Make sure you are eligible before proceeding with the application.

3. Prepare Documentation

Gather the necessary documentation to support your grant application. This may include income verification (such as tax returns or pay stubs), dental records or X-rays, a letter of recommendation from a dentist or healthcare professional, and any other documents specified by the grant program.

4. Write a Compelling Application

Craft a well-written application that highlights your dental condition, financial need, and how dental implants would benefit you. Be concise, clear, and honest in describing your situation and explaining why you deserve the grant. Emphasize the impact dental implants would have on your oral health, overall well-being, and quality of life.

5. Complete the Application Form

Obtain the grant application form from the grant program or organization. If you are applying online then you can go to the official website of the foundation or organization, and there you would find their application form. Fill out the application form thoroughly and accurately, completing all required fields. Attach any supporting documentation as instructed.

6. Submit the Application

Submit your completed application and supporting documents as per the instructions provided by the grant program. This may involve mailing the application, emailing it, or submitting it through an online portal. Follow the guidelines carefully to ensure your application reaches the right destination within the specified deadline.

7. Follow Up and Wait

After submitting your application, there may be a waiting period while the grant program reviews applications and makes decisions. Follow any instructions provided by the grant program during this time. You can also consider reaching out to the program to inquire about the status of your application or to provide any additional information if needed.

8. Look for Other Options

While waiting for the grant decision, it is a good idea to explore other sources of financial assistance, such as dental clinics that offer discounted services, dental financing options, or dental insurance coverage that includes implants. Being proactive can help you explore multiple avenues for support.

Other Alternatives 

Other Alternatives 

Till now, you got to know about the government-funded programs where you can get funds for dental implants, but these programs also have high qualification criteria and these organizations and foundations do not accept every application that they receive. So here are some of the alternatives that you can go for, if your government dental implant grants for low-income application gets rejected. 

1. United Way

United Way is a nonprofit organization that operates on a global scale, aiming to improve lives and communities by addressing various social issues. They work collaboratively with local businesses, governments, and nonprofits to identify community needs, mobilize resources, and provide support in areas such as education, free x mobile, health, income stability, and disaster relief. 

United Way raises funds through campaigns and distributes them to partner organizations to address community needs effectively. If you need monetary help with your dental implants then you can send an application to United Way. If your request is accepted, then they will send you funds. 

2. Access To Care

The “Access To Care” initiative is a part of the Happier Smiles Program initiated by the government. Under this program, the dental implant grant is provided to people in need. Moreover, this program spends over $20,000 every year to help people with their dental treatment. 

3. Samuel Harris Fund for Single Mothers

Samuel Harris Fund is an organization that works to help single mothers with various needs like food, shelter, medicines, etc. If you are a single mother and need help with your dental implants then you can send your application to Samuel Harris Fund. As soon as your request is accepted, you will receive the funds. 

4. Religious Organizations

Religious organizations are always there to help people in need. If you are looking for a dental implant but cannot afford it due to bad financial conditions or low income then you can move to religious organizations and ask for help. Most of these organizations work for the betterment of people and provide funds for various things like food, clothes, shelter, medical essentials, etc. Some even provide free laptops for college students.

The Salvation Army and Love Inc. are some of the most famous churches around the work that works for underprivileged people. You can go to these churches or any other church around your area and ask if they can provide you with a dental implant grant. You might need to provide them with your low-income proof. 

5. Dental Insurance

Dental insurance is a type of health insurance that specifically focuses on covering the costs of dental care and treatments. It works similarly to other types of insurance, where individuals pay regular premiums to an insurance provider in exchange for financial protection and coverage for dental expenses. Dental insurance plans typically include a range of services, such as routine check-ups, cleanings, X-rays, fillings, extractions, and more.

The specifics of dental insurance coverage can vary widely depending on the insurance company and the specific plan chosen. Some plans may have a network of dentists and specialists with whom they have negotiated discounted rates, while others may offer more flexibility in choosing a dental provider. 

6. Dental Loans

Dental loans are a type of financing specifically designed to help individuals cover the costs of dental treatments and procedures. Here the borrower gets a predetermined amount of money to be used exclusively for dental expenses. These loans can be obtained from various financial institutions, such as banks, credit unions, or online lenders. They typically offer fixed interest rates and repayment terms.

The loan amount can be used for a range of dental services, including routine check-ups, cleanings, fillings, root canals, extractions, orthodontics, dental implants, and cosmetic dentistry. However, the loan amount will depend on factors such as the borrower’s credit history, income, and the specific lender’s terms.

7. Crowdfunding 

Crowdfunding is a method of raising money from a large number of individuals, often through online platforms, to support a specific cause or project. A dental implant grant or fundraising campaign can be created to seek financial help for people who require dental implants but may not have the means to afford the procedure.

Crowdfunding platforms allow individuals to share their stories, explain their dental needs, and request financial support from friends, family, and even strangers who are willing to contribute. These platforms provide a convenient way to reach a wide audience and generate donations for dental implant procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Can I get implants if I lose all my teeth?

Yes, if you lose all your teeth, you can still get implants. A dental implant is a popular and effective solution for replacing a missing tooth, and it can be used to restore a full arch of teeth. In this process, the dentist surgically places titanium implants into the jawbone, which serves as anchors for attaching the prosthetic teeth.

Q2. Are dental Grants of Texas legit?

Yes, dental grants are legal in Texas. You can easily find various organizations and foundations that provide dental grants in Texas. For this, you just need to go on the internet and type dental implant grants near me and search for it. This way, you would get to know about organizations that offer dental implant grants in your location. 

Q3. Are dental implants painful?

The dental implant is a surgery but the process of getting dental implants is typically performed under anesthesia, ensuring minimal pain or discomfort during the procedure. Although, patients may experience some discomfort and swelling, which can be managed with pain-relief medication and ice packs. However, individual pain tolerance may vary, and it’s best to consult with your dentist or oral surgeon for personalized information and guidance.


In this article, we told you about various organizations that provide dental implant grants. Along with this, you also got to know about the qualification and application process for these grants. However, if you do not qualify for the free government grants for dental implants then you can also move ahead with any of the alternative options we informed you about. 

Author Profile

Elizabeth Jones
Elizabeth Jones is one of our editorial team’s leading authors on credit card offers, services & more. With over two decades of experience in the consumer credit industry and as a nationally recognized credit expert, Elizabeth provides in-depth analysis of both traditional & alternative forms of credit. Elizabeth regularly appears on many major media outlets including NBC Nightly News, Fox Business Network, CNBC & Yahoo! Finance. She is also a frequent contributor to Forbes Magazine. As a highly appreciated author for our exclusive Editorial Team, Elizabeth strives to provide readers with a trustworthy advice on how to manage their credit accounts while staying informed on the latest offers in the marketplace.

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