CFI Blog

Hire Slowly and Fire Quickly

Hire Slowly and Fire Quickly

“Be slow to hire and quick to fire.” — Ben Taitelbaum Despite my military background, I’d like to think of myself as a warm and fuzzy kind of guy. When I was in the Army, we came up with an acronym to describe such people: SNAGs – Sensitive, New Age Guys. During my Army days, … Read more

Why I Won’t Hound You if You’re a Client

Why I Won’t Hound You if You’re a Client

“If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.” –Les Brown When I founded my last company, my phone rang constantly. Unfortunately, it wasn’t always the ringing of customers who were dying to hire us and let us make their internal site search come as close as possible to … Read more

Food in a Box

Food in a Box

“Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.” –Harriet van Horne “When the waitress asked if I wanted my pizza cut into four or eight slices, I said, ‘Four. I don’t think I can eat eight.’” –Yogi Berra I grew up in a Southern family. My grandmother cooked … Read more

Does Unemployment Affect Your Investing Decisions?

Does Unemployment Affect Your Investing Decisions

“The singer-songwriter has always played music that was stylistically rooted in the ’30s and the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. But the fact of the matter is that none of us remember the Depression firsthand.” –Steve Earle My grandparents grew up in the Great Depression. Both of them lived in agricultural areas that weren’t … Read more

Want to Reduce Your Debt? Think Like a Cocaine Addict!

Want to Reduce Your Debt? Think Like a Cocaine Addict!

“Cocaine is like really evil coffee.” –Courtney Love The steps of getting out of debt are pretty simple. Budget. Spend less than you earn. Put the difference towards debt. Rationally, it’s not particularly difficult to envision the path to getting out of debt. However, like losing weight (take in fewer calories than you expend) or … Read more

How the Average Market Timer Thinks About Facebook Stock and the Twitter IPO

“You know what they say; when you have lemmings, make lemmingaid.” –Debbie Ohi Recently, Twitter confidentially filed a S-1 to the SEC for their forthcoming initial public offering. We’ve confidentially submitted an S-1 to the SEC for a planned IPO. This Tweet does not constitute an offer of any securities for sale. — Twitter (@Twitter) … Read more