CFI Blog

How the Peltzman Effect Affects Your 401k

Peltzman Effect Affects Your 401k

“There’s nothing safe about safety pins.” –Donatella Versace Have you ever been on a highway and been passed by a motorcyclist who’s wearing his helmet, gloves, full leather riding gear… …and going 120 miles per hour zipping in and out of traffic? When, five miles up the road, said motorcyclist becomes a smudge in the … Read more

How To Confirm Receipt on PayPal? A Comprehensions Guide

confirm receipt paypal

PayPal, a global leader in online payments, facilitates this by offering a streamlined process for users to confirm the receipt of transactions, adding an extra layer of security and trust in online dealings.  Whether you are a seasoned user or a newcomer eager to understand how to effectively “confirm receipt PayPal”, this guide will provide … Read more

Monkey Brain Doesn’t Want to Pay Loans Back

You loan your friend money. You see them again, they don’t say nothin’ ’bout the money. ‘Hi, how ya doin’? How’s ya mama doing?’ Man, how’s my money doin’?” –Chris Rock When I ran a software development company, we had quite a rapid spurt of growth. We had to take on a lot of new … Read more

My Open Letter to 2014 MLS First Draft Pick Andre Blake

My Open Letter to 2014 MLS First Draft Pick Andre Blake

“Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.” –John Wooden Congratulations! You’re in elite company. Like Andrew Farrell before you, you’re coming into the league at a time when it’s gaining popularity, and that means more scrutiny and more opportunity. Andrew Farrell earned $161,000 in guaranteed salary … Read more

The Case Against Self-Directed IRA Investments

The Case Against Self-Directed IRA Investments

“Happiness is being retired and spending all of my kids’ inheritance before I die!” –Anonymous If you remember in the 2012 Presidential debates, one surprising fact came up regarding Mitt Romney. He had something like $72 quadrillion dollars in his IRA. OK. He didn’t really have that much (it was $71 quadrillion), but he had … Read more

Where’s Waldo? My Recent Appearances

Where’s Waldo? My Recent Appearances

Occasionally, others ask me to share some insight with their audiences on a variety of personal finance topics. I’m always grateful to them for sharing the opportunity. Here are a few of my recent appearances for (what I hope is) your reading pleasure: Clark Howard | Hyperbolic Discounting: The Psychology Behind Getting Clark Smart How … Read more

Making the Leap…Out of Entrepreneurship

Making the Leap…Out of Entrepreneurship

“No problem is so formidable that you can’t walk away from it.” –Charles Schultz “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” –Albert Einstein It’s a giddy feeling when you first start out your own business . There’s so much expectation, hope, and anticipation that you can barely wait to … Read more